Friday, July 2, 2010

Last Summer

Ok, this was a bad one... I met this woman named Jennifer online. She was a manufacturer's rep, had one kid and was ready to start dating again. We had a good conversation, but I could tell when we met for coffee that it was not going well. I told her about my marriage and how it ended and that seemed alright to her. Then she told me she had been married but it was like no chemistry at all. It was as though she had married her brother. Not good.

Next she told me how she met a complete neanderthal. You know, the type women complain about, but are lining up to have sex with. This guy was a complete jerk, fat, ugly, farting all the time. He would go to work with egg on his chin and sleep in his eyes. He cheated on her over and over again, but she still loved him. Finally, he just got bored and moved out.

She told me I was the best looking guy she'd ever been on a date with, but that didn't matter. She didn't feel I was the right type, and there was no chemistry.

I was glad she came to that conclusion. I wasn't interested at all. When a woman has EVER had any attraction at all to a neanderthal type, it means she doesn't want you, and she's really been with lots of guys. I've had several women employees just start shaking with lust when our janitor comes around, even though he looks like he's half-gorilla.

Sometimes I really don't understand women. This would be one of those times.