Thursday, August 5, 2010


Heather came into my life a few years ago and really knocked my socks off. This was a very athletic girl, somewhat short and stocky with big rounded breasts and a muscular butt. We were together about two weeks. She had a lot of emotional problems and needed to be in a relationship with a guy who would take care of her. Unluckily for her, I wasn't willing to take care of her and pay of her debts, etc.

We had a good time during a few weeks in the Summer. I was renting a nice place with a balcony out the back way. It overlooked a creek you could hear running from the inside of the house. I remember lying back with her on the bed. She loved getting rough and almost hitting and scratching. I warned her over and over again to knock it off, but she really belonged with someone a lot trashier who wanted to abuse her.

The reason I bring all this up?

Heather showed up a few nights ago. Of course I'm with Ashleigh now and having a good time with her. So, with Ashley away for a few days, I was poking Heather again which was really stupid. She gets to my emotions; not just because I care for her, because clearly I don't. I think it's because she needs someone, anyone, to take care of her and nobody is up for the job, which is why she goes from one guy to the next looking for someone to take care of her. It's pretty sad, and she'll be all used up, crazy and bitter when she finally meets someone who will put up with her. By then, he may not have the patience to do everything needed.

I guess that is why I'm averse to being in a relationship. I enjoy it when I find a girl who is willing to compromise, but most of the time they aren't. Most of the time they are always wanting to take charge, spend too much money, go on long vacations, etc. It's never about us, but mostly about her and how she looks to her friends. Oh well, I need to forget about Heather and move on. Still, it was difficult this time.